A Wedding Story

~ Alles über Kathrin & Andy, das Leben in der schönsten Stadt Deutschlands und unsere Hochzeit am 25./26.5.2007~

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Still in W.

I´m still in W. and I´m starting to get a little bit bored...Well, I´d have tons of Uni-stuff to do but I hate it so much I don´t even bother looking at it right now.
Thins have been quiet around here. My Mom and I drove to her friend Susanne´s house on Friday. My Mom and Susanne have known each other since I was a couple of months old and I hadn´t had a chance to see her in about 6 years so it was really neat! She has a husband and son by now (Matthias and Finnegan, just 3 years old and REALLY cute and amazingly witty :))
Well, we had a nice lunch, took a walk through the village while it started to snow AGAIN and then had coffee and cake before returning home.
Yesterday Sandra finally came over around noon - though it was pretty short I liked seeing here very much. She gave me a book on Sweden as my first birthday present this year and we laughed a lot. After lunch with my family she had to leave to tutor her brother. I watched biathlon and MTV (I don´t have it in Berlin) and tried watching Rosa Roth (my Mom suggested calling my future daughter (God-willing) that exact name, as Roth is going to be my last name eventually, but I can´t say I liked the idea too much. Way too many girl´s names ahead in line waiting to be used for like 24 girls..:))
Anyway, Jule called in the middle of the movie and as my Mom "did not get" the ending, I still don´t know how Miss Berben resolved the murder case. Grr!:)
Today I went to church and then just chilled - talking to my Mom, watching TV, surfing the internet. I´m looking forward to seeing A. again on Wednesday. I have sooo much going on in my head right now but can´t even get myself to check my bank account or do whatever....
I´m scheduled to work Thursday morning and I´ll have lunch at Jule´s after. Saturday I´ll have an AuPair Interview and I´ll have to go to the library to start working one of these days.
A. and I were talking about going to Hamburg for my birthday - maybe watch a musical and sleep over at a nice hotel or something. I´ll have my brunch on the 1st of April and it looks like people have time to come!:)


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