A Wedding Story

~ Alles über Kathrin & Andy, das Leben in der schönsten Stadt Deutschlands und unsere Hochzeit am 25./26.5.2007~

Wednesday, November 29, 2006


We finally have everything we need (i hope) for the Standesamt in a see-through folder. Andy´s Familienbuch-Auszug arrived yesterday and this morning we got up at 6.30 am to go to the public office in Mitte to get Meldebestätigungen.
Tomorrow we´ll go to the Standesamt and apply for the marriage license. Hopefully everything will go smoothly.

I had another lecture with Zhengmi yesterday. We talked about the theater performance we saw as a group, I had to do an interview on it with her and tape it. This time I was using a MD recorder and luckily everything turned out to be perfectly understandable. Sylvia helped me out with batteries for the mic which I had completely forgotten about. I also got my own set of MDs at Karstadt, so I´m all set for the next and also last taping session in January.
I also showed Zhengmi scenes from "Es geschah am hellichten Tag" , which ist the movie version of the play. We compared the two medias, the different endings etc.
Quite nice and went smoothly.
Zhengmi gave me some things from China - pictures of the chinese wall, tiny, delicate paper pictures of digs (which is my birth sign in China apparently) in a red-golden wedding bag....it has the signs for "double joy" on it. Very nice!:)

Yesterday evening I spent with the first Transkription after the CHAT-program´s rules. I can tell you: HOURS is what is needed for 3 minutes of conversation.
After that I finished my reflection on our visit in the museum. Finally I got it done and feel like I´m able to keep up with stuff. Only two more to go plus many other things that need to go online soon.

Monday night Andy and I went to the jewellers to try on our rings which fit perfectly. They will now put in my brilli and do the Gravuren. We´ll pick them up on Saturday morning.

Next wedding stuff coming up:
- finally going to the printer´s office and talk about the invitations
- finalize invitations (mainly colour adjustments)
- have them printed
- pick up rings
- look for a fotographer (driving me nuts cause nothing works out)
- think about honeymoon

- christmas cards
- presents
- IKEA visit

- 2 papers
- presentation
- exam in February

I know there are some people I haven´t really been in touch with lately - Sandi, Sarah etc. I´m sorry. I´m doing my best but right now it´s just so crazy.

Love, Kathrin


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