A Wedding Story

~ Alles über Kathrin & Andy, das Leben in der schönsten Stadt Deutschlands und unsere Hochzeit am 25./26.5.2007~

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Hello from the library!
I´ve had a very uncomfortable night with a nose that was first dripping, then stuffed, a hurting throat and general flu signs. *Argh*! That´s so something I don´t need right now!
I went to the library this morning anyway (after a piece of my marble loaf cake - produced yesterday as it´s Andy´s favorite) to prepare for the last two lectures with Zhengmi later.
We´ll talk about the Weimar republic- she chose that last week and during the last lecture we´ll be doing stuff like an assessment interview, fill out forms and summarize a text.
Then it´s over. I have to write a lot for that internship in the next two weeks and put all the stuff online, but no more lectures which is a huge relief.
Somehow my exam seems like a 100 years away, I´m nowhere near prepared yet.
I can´t really do much today, I have a headache, throatache and more....
I´ll be having lunch with Heike in a couple of minutes and then meet up with Zhengmi after.

I chatted with M. last night and she found very nice, organice dresses that might be suitable for the wedding. You can see them under

Love, k.


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