...Tag 2 als Strohwitwe. Ist seltsam, alleine zu sein. Man quatscht viel weniger so den lieben, langen Tag...:)
War heute von 11-18 Uhr an der Uni, hatte Seminar zu meinem One-to-one-Tutorium, was einfach mal scheisse viel Arbeit wird. Es war eigentlich ganz nett...trotzdem denke ich immer wieder, ich sitze eigentlich im total falschen Film.
"Das einzige was mich hier noch hält ist die Erdanziehungskraft."
Das sagt eigentlich alles, wenn es um die Uni geht.
Ansonsten habe ich grade einen guten Film im ZDF gesehen und den Restbetrag für mein Hochzeitskleid überwiesen. Jetzt gehört es mir also!:)
Hab heute Post von Regine und Maren aus den USA gekriegt, juhu. Das war schön, die beiden dicken Umschläge vor der Tür zu finden beim Heimkommen.
Currently reading: "Damit wir uns nicht verlieren." Briefwechsel zwischen Sophie Scholl und Fritz Hartnagel.
What I should be reading: Baal von Bertolt Brecht.
Love you guys.
My friend Merlina asked: "What is human?" in her blog.
Here´s what I wrote, comments welcome.
Good question. Several things came to my mind when I was lying in bed last night:
1)”Human” beings as opposed to animals, plants, nature in general? My knowledge about this on an academic level is very limited… In general one perceives humans as “vernunftbegabt”, something animals are not. We can think and REFLECT ourselves and our own actions and lives. We have means to control instincts, we think about our PURPOSE of life. We like (or have) to believe, we´re in the world for a reason.
Kant says, we have reason (=Vernunft) and thus FREEDOM -to decide our actions.
I don´t think animals or even plants think in categories like that.
2) In German we have the words “Menschen” for the human race as a biological category - but also “menschlich” the adjective, which implies so much more than just “belonging to the human race”, to me it has a very strong ethical, moral connotation - or at least it should have.
But are humans really human in an ethical way? Is ethical behaviour what separates us from animals for example?
If you take a look at the world I´d say we are human beings, but most of the time we don´t act very”menschlich”.
This would mean with
After all, humans amost never live alone - we have families, extended families, communities, countries. We are programmed to live and work together. We receive and so we should give also.
3) Interdependence between nature (animals, plants, eco-system) and humans…this is probably very complicated for most people to understand but also very important.
People like to think of themselves as “Krone der Schöpfung” but fail to understand how dependend they are on the system around us. Thus it is not enough to understand the ethical connotations of being “human” towards other humans, but also towards the living and non-living world around you. This is difficult for me sometimes.
4) I myself am a “people-person”. I´ve always been that way. I love people and I find it much easier to step up for agendas designed to help people than other things. In the bible, Jesus commands his disciples to be “Menschenfischer”. I love that picture.
I want to be one, too. Not only in a christian point of view - in many more.
Sometimes I think I´m more defined by the people I live with than by myself as a person. I draw my strength from people - friends, family. And I suffer most when I feel there´s hard feelings in that area. Much more than with problems in school etc. Part of that is probably not healthy. One should be able to be alone, to draw strengh from one´s own abilities, from self-confidence….I´m working on that - but I still love being with people.
My heart goes out to children. I cannot see them suffer. I love to help my friends with their children.
I try to be a real friend to the people I meet. I experience it a lot that most people never really had a friend in their lives. That scares me, but I understand it. Sometimes I also feel nobody is there I can really relate to. But to me it´s genuinely “human” to invest into humans over and over again. That´s how I want to make a difference - by ACTS OF KINDNESS.
Sometimes a friend talks to be about a problem. I tell her the things that come to my mind, almost always very spontaneously. Most of the time I find myself thinking that what I say is probably not going to help, that I can´t find the right words, that I have nothing more that dumb remarks. But then - all of a sudden - my friend looks at me and tells me that nobody else said the things I said, that nobody else made her reflect her problem the way I did, that maybe no one ever really listened to them. And in that moments, after feeling so helples myself in the eye of severe problems, I feel like I was able to get someone a little closer to solid ground, out of the water as a “Menschenfischer”. It may sound pathetic, but it´s those moments I live for.
That´s human to me.