A Wedding Story

~ Alles über Kathrin & Andy, das Leben in der schönsten Stadt Deutschlands und unsere Hochzeit am 25./26.5.2007~

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


I´m feeling good right now!:) Spring is trying to get through and I made plans with Andy to go to Ikea soon to buy chairs and a table for the balcony....:)
I went to work this morning around 8.30am and I actually stayed there until 2.30pm...
After that I finally got a "swiffer" at DM, and it works just fine....(we can´t really mop our wooden floor, but vacuuming is also not enough to really get it clean...so thiese dry or damp cloths are just the right stuff!:))
I did laundry, cleaned up, Andy cooked and I still have some points left for tonight! I think I´ll treat myself to some nice cookies then!:)
Bag is packed for the shore, I´m very excited!
Also talked to my Mom - she might come to my Dad´s house next week when we´re celebrating my paternal uncle´s 50th birthday! Yay!:)
I know all these is pretty regular stuff - it made me happy today anyway!

big hugs and please DO leave comments!:)
Love, Kathrin

Tuesday, March 28, 2006


four jobs you´ve had in your life:
1. Babysitter
2. Aupair ..:)
3. iSt-Mitarbeiterin
4. studentische Hilfskraft beim DBB

four movies you could watch over and over:
1. Italienisch für Anfänger
2. Sweet home Alabama
3. Crazy beautiful
4. Notebook

four places you have lived:
1. Rastatt, Germany
2. Waldshut, German
3. Cherry Hil, NJ, USA
4. Berlin, Germany

four TV-shows you love to watch:
2) Einsatz in 4 Wänden
3) Desperate Housewives
4) MTV´s "Made"

four places you have been on vacation:
1) Westcoast of the USA
2) Israel
3) Dänemark
4) Toscana

four websites you visit daily:
1. AuPairUSA.de
2. www.xanga.com
3. www.jesus.de
4. FU Berlin

four of your favorite foods:
1. mushrooms
2. Rote Grütze
3. Schokokekse
4. Nudeln

four places you´d rather be right now:
1. New Jersey
2. Pennsylvania
3. my boyfriends office
4. my bed

four bloggers you are tagging:
1. Janine
2. Cathy
3. Maren
4. Mareen


Sunday, March 26, 2006

Busy..(-5,3 kg)

I have to write an entire paper until tomorrow morning, 10 o´clock. I´m meeting with the girls who are writing the other parts of the paper at 11 and we have to hand it in then. It sucks. I cleaned the apartment, watched some FRIENDS and now I have to start working. I´ll have an interview for iSt at 4. Not much time left, I guess.

Andy and I will be in Ahlbeck on Usedom for my birthday (30./31.03.). He asked me if I wanted to go there after we had discussed going to Hamburg or even out of the country for a short trip. I really liked the idea and we found a beautiful hotel.

I handed in a small assignment plus a paper in DaF, both of which I wrote on the weekend, I organized the majority of last semesters folders and wote lists with everything that needs to be done until school starts again. A lot!

Alright, I better get going.
Love, Kathrin

Friday, March 24, 2006

first spring signs..?

Yesterday was such a beautiful day outside - still cold, but I loved being outside while I was going grocery shopping and taking a little walk...
I spend the day cleaning the apartment and I really opened all the windows to let the air blow through! Very nice!:)
Anja came over at 5.30 pm - we haven´t really had time to talk in a long time and I was very nice to catch up on each other! Andy treated us to a delicious Spaghetti Bolognese (WW-compatible, of course :)) and then we watched "Cheaper by the dozen" and had some snacks!
Andy got home late andwe just fell into bed!
I met with Ines on Wednesday - we had breakfast at Morgenland and went to Jule´s after. Very nice!:)
Right now I´m off to Petra´s to take care of Pelaiah again. Nice!:) I´m picking him up from music class, take a walk a put him down for a nap.
Have a great day.
P.S. Janini - welcome to Germany again! Have a great time with Dominic!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Just can´t think of a title.....(-4,8)

So, Wednesday again, hm? Not much is going on right now. I´m off from school, Andy ist working....I should be, too, but I´m just not. So, nothing new at all!
Sun is shining brightly, but temperatures are holding on to winter, not changing to spring. Maybe for my birthday?
I´ll meet Ines in Kreuzberg at 12 am today and go over to Jule´s after - haven´t seen anybody of my girls since I got back from my parents a week ago.
Well, I did have coffee with Maddi and little cute Hanna on Monday which was very nice.
I decided to join a sports club yesterday- I´m so excited! Ines is already a member and will help me to get in - hopefully in the beginning of April or something. Then I can start moving!

Andy and I went to see "Brokeback Mountain" on Thursday last week. Very strong movie, very touching, much more than I thought it would be. As for the topic - I´m torn.

How are you?


Thursday, March 16, 2006

Back in Berlin (-4,6 kg)

Hello everyone!
I´m back in Berlin! I spent yesterday packing, talking to my Mom, cleaning up the guest room and then we went downtown to take my brother to the hair dresser and just do some window shopping.
Everything went well at the airport even though I hate Basel-Airport...they do a lot of renovation and stuff and everything is out of order or disorganized. Anyway, my luggage was exactly 19,6 kg, so the lady at check in had no reason to complain whatsoever!:)
A. picked me up shortly before 11 pm and we went home and straight to bed.
This morning I went to work and to Dussmann/Karstadt after. Merlinas birthday card has to be sent out soon. I also got some nice decoration mugs to put spices in and grow them on the window sill...very nice.....temperatures are still low but maybe I can force the spring to come by just pretending it already has!:)
The scale showed -4,6 kg this morning. Yay!:)

Monday, March 13, 2006

Confessions..:) (-4,1 kg)

Well, as most of you guys already know it anyway, there´s really no point hiding it, I guess....
I´m on weight watchers...Just coulnd´t look at me anymore.
I started on February 20th which means I kicked off my forth week today. So far I ´ve lost 4,1 kg and I´m very happy!:)
We´ll see how it goes. I´m not sure how much I want to lose - a weight of 64-67 kg seems like a good deal - looong way to go..:)

I´ll keep you updated.
Love, Kathrin

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Still in W.

I´m still in W. and I´m starting to get a little bit bored...Well, I´d have tons of Uni-stuff to do but I hate it so much I don´t even bother looking at it right now.
Thins have been quiet around here. My Mom and I drove to her friend Susanne´s house on Friday. My Mom and Susanne have known each other since I was a couple of months old and I hadn´t had a chance to see her in about 6 years so it was really neat! She has a husband and son by now (Matthias and Finnegan, just 3 years old and REALLY cute and amazingly witty :))
Well, we had a nice lunch, took a walk through the village while it started to snow AGAIN and then had coffee and cake before returning home.
Yesterday Sandra finally came over around noon - though it was pretty short I liked seeing here very much. She gave me a book on Sweden as my first birthday present this year and we laughed a lot. After lunch with my family she had to leave to tutor her brother. I watched biathlon and MTV (I don´t have it in Berlin) and tried watching Rosa Roth (my Mom suggested calling my future daughter (God-willing) that exact name, as Roth is going to be my last name eventually, but I can´t say I liked the idea too much. Way too many girl´s names ahead in line waiting to be used for like 24 girls..:))
Anyway, Jule called in the middle of the movie and as my Mom "did not get" the ending, I still don´t know how Miss Berben resolved the murder case. Grr!:)
Today I went to church and then just chilled - talking to my Mom, watching TV, surfing the internet. I´m looking forward to seeing A. again on Wednesday. I have sooo much going on in my head right now but can´t even get myself to check my bank account or do whatever....
I´m scheduled to work Thursday morning and I´ll have lunch at Jule´s after. Saturday I´ll have an AuPair Interview and I´ll have to go to the library to start working one of these days.
A. and I were talking about going to Hamburg for my birthday - maybe watch a musical and sleep over at a nice hotel or something. I´ll have my brunch on the 1st of April and it looks like people have time to come!:)

Wednesday, March 08, 2006


a longer update!:)
I got cut off the last time!
Well, I´ve been here with my family for almost one week now and it´s very nice as always. I had to get up early to go to the hair dresser this morning - I really like the lady wh0´s doing my hair and now I have slightly shorter hair as she took the tips off and great new highlights which I love!:) Mom even pitched in 20 Euros for my new haircut! After that we went to a very nice store here downtown which carries NOA NOA clothes that are just amazing! Well, due to the weight loss results and further plans I decided not to buy anything until I fit into a smaller size which is hopefully very soon!:)

The days with Regine here in the south were just great! We went to the "Thermalbad" just across the border of Switzerland and enjoyed the great water and atmosphere. We also took my 12 year old brother with me who loved being taken out by us ladies!:) After that my Mom made "Wurstsalat", a typical dish here in South Germany and Regine also liked it. (I personally could just die for it!:))
On Saturday there was just snowing all day! We had planned to go skiing but we couldn´t do it because there was just too much snow and everything was closed. We probably wouldn´t have made it up to the Black Forest anyway. Instead we decided on a trip to Basel, Switzerland. The train just takes 34 minutes from here. We stopped at a very famous photo machine in a shopping center which takes great black and white photos and we used to go there whenever we went shopping to Basel with everyone in my crowd. We walked through Basel and eventually stopped in a nice coffee shop as my shoes had started to get soaked and we were very uncomfortable. My stepfather had sponsored the trip so we decided to visit a very well- known art gallery called "Fondation Beyeler" in Basel-Riehen. The show modern art and we both really loved the art and the gift shop, of course. We got home okay by train - my Mom tried to get home from Freiburg one hour later where she had been with my brother to get furniture at IKEA - and the train got stuck around 7 pm right after Basel - she had to wait for hours to get on a bus and eventually arrived home after midnight. Nightmare! Everyone in W. agrees we have not had that much snow ever. It started to snow again today but changed into rain soonafter.
I hope it´ll get better as Mom and I want to visit a very old friend of hers in Villingen on Friday.
As we had suspected Regines flight on Sunday got cancelled and she had to take the train home which luckily went well and got her to Berlin in 7 hours as planned.
I attended church in the evening for a special service and met an old babysitter-Mom and some neighbors there.
Monday I found myself on the way to Switzerland again, this time to see Heike and her husband in Winterthur for the day. We had brunch, watched their wedding movie and headed to town in the afternoon to get a glimpse of swiss carnival (which is later than in Germany). I had a great day! It was nice seeing Heike as she won´t be able to come to my birthday party.
Tuesday I went swimming which was very nice and I was proud of myself - I plan to do it again tomorrow.....

So, you see,everything is going well here. Miss my sweetheart dearly, of course.
Love and comments welcome as always,

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Someone forgot it´s March!!!!

When I look outside I see piles of snow as high as my hips! It´s unbelievable! I´ve been down here in the South with my parents since Thursday and there was nothing but snow and more snow ever since!
Plans already changed dramatically on Wednesday night when Jule and Sophie had to withdraw from the whole trip due to angina, flu, colds etc....